45 research outputs found

    On the hausdorff and other cluster Voronoi diagrams

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    The Voronoi diagram is a fundamental geometric structure that encodes proximity information. Given a set of geometric objects, called sites, their Voronoi diagram is a subdivision of the underlying space into maximal regions, such that all points within one region have the same nearest site. Problems in diverse application domains (such as VLSI CAD, robotics, facility location, etc.) demand various generalizations of this simple concept. While many generalized Voronoi diagrams have been well studied, many others still have unsettled questions. An example of the latter are cluster Voronoi diagrams, whose sites are sets (clusters) of objects rather than individual objects. In this dissertation we study certain cluster Voronoi diagrams from the perspective of their construction algorithms and algorithmic applications. Our main focus is the Hausdorff Voronoi diagram; we also study the farthest-segment Voronoi diagram, as well as certain special cases of the farthest-color Voronoi diagram. We establish a connection between cluster Voronoi diagrams and the stabbing circle problem for segments in the plane. Our results are as follows. (1) We investigate the randomized incremental construction of the Hausdorff Voronoi diagram. We consider separately the case of non-crossing clusters, when the combinatorial complexity of the diagram is O(n) where n is the total number of points in all clusters. For this case, we present two construction algorithms that require O(n log2 n) expected time. For the general case of arbitrary clusters, we present an algorithm that requires O((m + n log n) log n) expected time and O(m + n log n) expected space, where m is a parameter reflecting the number of crossings between clusters' convex hulls. (2) We present an O(n) time algorithm to construct the farthest-segment Voronoi diagram of n segments, after the sequence of its faces at infinity is known. This augments the well-known linear-time framework for Voronoi diagram of points in convex position, with the ability to handle disconnected Voronoi regions. (3) We establish a connection between the cluster Voronoi diagrams (the Hausdorff and the farthest-color Voronoi diagram) and the stabbing circle problem. This implies a new method to solve the latter problem. Our method results in a near-optimal O(n log2 n) time algorithm for a set of n parallel segments, and in an optimal O(n log n) time algorithm for a set of n segments satisfying some other special conditions. (4) We study the farthest-color Voronoi diagram in special cases considered by the stabbing circle problem. We prove O(n) bound for its combinatorial complexity and present an O(nlogn) time algorithm to construct it

    Higher-order Voronoi diagrams of polygonal objects

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    Higher-order Voronoi diagrams are fundamental geometric structures which encode the k-nearest neighbor information. Thus, they aid in computations that require proximity information beyond the nearest neighbor. They are related to various favorite structures in computational geometry and are a fascinating combinatorial problem to study. While higher-order Voronoi diagrams of points have been studied a lot, they have not been considered for other types of sites. Points lack dimensionality which makes them unable to represent various real-life instances. Points are the simplest kind of geometric object and therefore higher- order Voronoi diagrams of points can be considered as the corner case of all higher-order Voronoi diagrams. The goal of this dissertation is to move away from the corner and bring the higher-order Voronoi diagram to more general geometric instances. We focus on certain polygonal objects as they provide flexibility and are able to represent real-life instances. Before this dissertation, higher-order Voronoi diagrams of polygonal objects had been studied only for the nearest neighbor and farthest Voronoi diagrams. In this dissertation we investigate structural and combinatorial properties and discover that the dimensionality of geometric objects manifests itself in numerous ways which do not exist in the case of points. We prove that the structural complexity of the order-k Voronoi diagram of non-crossing line segments is O(k(n-k)), as in the case of points. We study disjoint line segments, intersecting line segments, line segments forming a planar straight-line graph and extend the results to the Lp metric, 1<=p<=infty. We also establish the connection between two mathematical abstractions: abstract Voronoi diagrams and the Clarkson-Shor framework. We design several construction algorithms that cover the case of non-point sites. While computational geometry provides several approaches to study the structural complexity that give tight realizable bounds, developing an effective construction algorithm is still a challenging problem even for points. Most of the construction algorithms are designed to work with points as they utilize their simplicity and relations with data-structures that work specifically for points. We extend the iterative and the sweepline approaches that are quite efficient in constructing all order-i Voronoi diagrams, for i<=k and we also give three randomized construction algorithms for abstract higher-order Voronoi diagrams that deal specifically with the construction of the order-k Voronoi diagrams

    Deletion in Abstract Voronoi Diagrams in Expected Linear Time

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    Updating an abstract Voronoi diagram in linear time, after deletion of one site, has been an open problem for a long time. Similarly for various concrete Voronoi diagrams of generalized sites, other than points. In this paper we present a simple, expected linear-time algorithm to update an abstract Voronoi diagram after deletion. We introduce the concept of a Voronoi-like diagram, a relaxed version of a Voronoi construct that has a structure similar to an abstract Voronoi diagram, without however being one. Voronoi-like diagrams serve as intermediate structures, which are considerably simpler to compute, thus, making an expected linear-time construction possible. We formalize the concept and prove that it is robust under an insertion operation, thus, enabling its use in incremental constructions

    A Randomized Incremental Algorithm for the Hausdorff Voronoi Diagram of Non-crossing Clusters

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    In the Hausdorff Voronoi diagram of a family of \emph{clusters of points} in the plane, the distance between a point tt and a cluster PP is measured as the maximum distance between tt and any point in PP, and the diagram is defined in a nearest-neighbor sense for the input clusters. In this paper we consider %El."non-crossing" \emph{non-crossing} clusters in the plane, for which the combinatorial complexity of the Hausdorff Voronoi diagram is linear in the total number of points, nn, on the convex hulls of all clusters. We present a randomized incremental construction, based on point location, that computes this diagram in expected O(nlog2n)O(n\log^2{n}) time and expected O(n)O(n) space. Our techniques efficiently handle non-standard characteristics of generalized Voronoi diagrams, such as sites of non-constant complexity, sites that are not enclosed in their Voronoi regions, and empty Voronoi regions. The diagram finds direct applications in VLSI computer-aided design.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1306.583

    Voronoi diagrams in the max-norm: algorithms, implementation, and applications

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    Voronoi diagrams and their numerous variants are well-established objects in computational geometry. They have proven to be extremely useful to tackle geometric problems in various domains such as VLSI CAD, Computer Graphics, Pattern Recognition, Information Retrieval, etc. In this dissertation, we study generalized Voronoi diagram of line segments as motivated by applications in VLSI Computer Aided Design. Our work has three directions: algorithms, implementation, and applications of the line-segment Voronoi diagrams. Our results are as follows: (1) Algorithms for the farthest Voronoi diagram of line segments in the Lp metric, 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. Our main interest is the L2 (Euclidean) and the L∞ metric. We first introduce the farthest line-segment hull and its Gaussian map to characterize the regions of the farthest line-segment Voronoi diagram at infinity. We then adapt well-known techniques for the construction of a convex hull to compute the farthest line-segment hull, and therefore, the farthest segment Voronoi diagram. Our approach unifies techniques to compute farthest Voronoi diagrams for points and line segments. (2) The implementation of the L∞ Voronoi diagram of line segments in the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL). Our software (approximately 17K lines of C++ code) is built on top of the existing CGAL package on the L2 (Euclidean) Voronoi diagram of line segments. It is accepted and integrated in the upcoming version of the library CGAL-4.7 and will be released in september 2015. We performed the implementation in the L∞ metric because we target applications in VLSI design, where shapes are predominantly rectilinear, and the L∞ segment Voronoi diagram is computationally simpler. (3) The application of our Voronoi software to tackle proximity-related problems in VLSI pattern analysis. In particular, we use the Voronoi diagram to identify critical locations in patterns of VLSI layout, which can be faulty during the printing process of a VLSI chip. We present experiments involving layout pieces that were provided by IBM Research, Zurich. Our Voronoi-based method was able to find all problematic locations in the provided layout pieces, very fast, and without any manual intervention

    Unbounded Regions of High-Order Voronoi Diagrams of Lines and Segments in Higher Dimensions

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    We study the behavior at infinity of the farthest and the higher-order Voronoi diagram of n line segments or lines in a d-dimensional Euclidean space. The unbounded parts of these diagrams can be encoded by a Gaussian map on the sphere of directions S^(d-1). We show that the combinatorial complexity of the Gaussian map for the order-k Voronoi diagram of n line segments or lines is O(min{k,n-k} n^(d-1)), which is tight for n-k = O(1). All the d-dimensional cells of the farthest Voronoi diagram are unbounded, its (d-1)-skeleton is connected, and it does not have tunnels. A d-cell of the Voronoi diagram is called a tunnel if the set of its unbounded directions, represented as points on its Gaussian map, is not connected. In a three-dimensional space, the farthest Voronoi diagram of lines has exactly n^2-n three-dimensional cells, when n >= 2. The Gaussian map of the farthest Voronoi diagram of line segments or lines can be constructed in O(n^(d-1) alpha(n)) time, while if d=3, the time drops to worst-case optimal O(n^2)

    Piecewise-Linear Farthest-Site Voronoi Diagrams

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    Voronoi diagrams induced by distance functions whose unit balls are convex polyhedra are piecewise-linear structures. Nevertheless, analyzing their combinatorial and algorithmic properties in dimensions three and higher is an intriguing problem. The situation turns easier when the farthest-site variants of such Voronoi diagrams are considered, where each site gets assigned the region of all points in space farthest from (rather than closest to) it. We give asymptotically tight upper and lower worst-case bounds on the combinatorial size of farthest-site Voronoi diagrams for convex polyhedral distance functions in general dimensions, and propose an optimal construction algorithm. Our approach is uniform in the sense that (1) it can be extended from point sites to sites that are convex polyhedra, (2) it covers the case where the distance function is additively and/or multiplicatively weighted, and (3) it allows an anisotropic scenario where each site gets allotted its particular convex distance polytope

    Certified Approximation Algorithms for the Fermat Point and n-Ellipses

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    Given a set A of n points in ?^d with weight function w: A??_{> 0}, the Fermat distance function is ?(x): = ?_{a?A}w(a)?x-a?. A classic problem in facility location dating back to 1643, is to find the Fermat point x*, the point that minimizes the function ?. We consider the problem of computing a point x?* that is an ?-approximation of x* in the sense that ?x?*-x*? ?(x*) and d = 2. Finally, all our planar (d = 2) algorithms are implemented in order to experimentally evaluate them, using both synthetic as well as real world datasets. These experiments show the practicality of our techniques

    The Voronoi Diagram of Rotating Rays With applications to Floodlight Illumination

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    We introduce the Voronoi Diagram of Rotating Rays, a Voronoi structure where the input sites are rays, and the distance function is the counterclockwise angular distance between a point and a ray-site. This novel Voronoi diagram is motivated by illumination and coverage problems, where a domain has to be covered by floodlights (wedges) of uniform angle, and the goal is to find the minimum angle necessary to cover the domain. We study the diagram in the plane, and we present structural properties, combinatorial complexity bounds, and a construction algorithm. If the rays are induced by a convex polygon, we show how to construct the ray Voronoi diagram within this polygon in linear time. Using this information, we can find in optimal linear time the Brocard angle, the minimum angle required to illuminate a convex polygon with floodlights of uniform angle. This last algorithm improves upon previous results, settling an interesting open problem